Offerte: CD, Vinili, DVD, Merchandise e Usato - musica Black Metal e Dark estrema - Sound Cave - page 44


Offerte: CD, Vinili, DVD, Merchandise e Usato - musica Black Metal e Dark estrema

684 prodotti

A Grey Chill And A Whisper (digi cd)

includes digital download code to extra audio content! 

A Grey Chill And A Whisper is Beltez successor of the highly acclaimed record Exiled, Punished…Rejected and deals with despair, hopelessness, but also courage and strength. This wide emotional range is conveyed through haunting melodies, gripping shrieks and pounding drums into a dense, sinister and very moody piece of dark art music. The result is a monolithic entity that frightens as much as it allures.
A Grey Chill And A Whisper provides just enough room for the listener to briefly gasp for air amidst its overpowering walls of sound and is an unforgettable journey into a dark and desperate world

Avantgarde Music
€ 12,00


“Our goal – call to blight the life existance. Our weapon – weaknesses and vices of human scum.”
Virvel Av Morkerhatet, Ukraine: a hard atom that represents the defect of the human thought, that is multiplied by self-destruction of transcendental consciousness. Anticosmos through Black Magic.
We know you dreamt about a violent and ruthless edge of Ved Buens Ende, if we can figure this out in our minds.
This is a record that will not leave you indifferent and will nail your soul, a marvellous mix of avantgarde metal and evil fury where every second minute is unpredictable although not pushing too much over the reasonable boundaries of experimentation that every black metal band should safely keep….

Ascolta su BandCamp

Avantgarde Music
€ 9,00

The Majesty

Cult Black Metal from Poland. Demo’95 on one-sided 12″

Crash summer sale
€ 16,00
€ 10,00

I (cd)

€ 5,50

Outojen Tornien Varjoissa (Ltd)

Since 2007, FAUSTIAN PACT have been one of Finnish black metal's best-kept secrets: "those who know, know." Their first three demos, one following the other between 2008-2010, poignantly presented a magickal, folkloric aspect long missing from serious black metal. They were a band out of time, seemingly - "born too late," not fit for these increasingly modern times. Now, nearly a decade after FAUSTIAN PACT's last demo, this trio of sorcerors bring the past into the present with their LONG-awaited debut album.

Red-in-White / Black Marbled

€ 24,00

Seven Oracles (digi CD)

Digipack with 16 pages booklet

Mixed and Mastered by Stephen Lockhart at Studio Emissary, Iceland. Band Photos by Void Revelations. Band Art and Calligraphy by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal.

Avantgarde Music
€ 12,00

Trimurti (CD)

Six panels digipak with booklet 





Drought is an entity spawned to channel its creators’ creative energy in a black metal form. The Tantric concept has been adopted to transform this energy into a tale of upheaval and elevation, using fire as a metaphor to celebrate spiritual transformation through cleansing, drawing purity from impurity. After a promising debut EP Drought fell into several years of silence, from which they will finally rise this spring to unleash their first full-length album, Trimurti.

As a Lotus grows from the swamp, enlightenment comes from improvement and regeneration. In Trimurti this theme is reprised from the previous ep Rudra Bhakti (2016, also on Avantgarde Music) and deepened, generating three suites - each explaining one of the three phases of this spiritual turmoil, as well as the three phases of Pranayama, and overall, the three phases of evolution: awareness - transformation - elevation. Nine tracks divided into three conceptual segments - this new opus develops and brings forth the tantric concept of the previous release, articulating it into a full spiritual blast of extreme music.

When asked to introduce the album, Drought said: “Trimurti represents the tantric chemistry of our creative energies and the ones kept within the sea, the mountains and the woods which surround us, channeled into music to celebrate the eternal life hidden in this world and in the ones behind it”.

Trimurti will be out on cd and lp (regular and limited) on May 15th / 22nd  

Avantgarde Music
€ 12,00

Tirades uit de Hel

After their first lash from the devil's tail that came out of nowhere, DUIVEL is now releasing their first full-blown attack upon this world. An audial vomit orchestra, straight from the mouth of Satan, "Tirades uit de Hel" brings you hateful black metal from the days of yore. Prepare to be scorched by purgatory fires and trampled by sulphuric hooves! There is no saviour, only demise! Pure uncompromising black metal hell from The Netherlands, this is a fresh nail in God's coffin. Oh, rejoice, vermin of the shadows!

Guitars - N (Urfaust, Botulistum, ex-Fluisterwoud)
Drums - D (D.R.E.P.)
Bass - P (Black Anvil)
Synth - K
Vocals track 1, track 3, track 5 - S (Galgeras, ex-Fluisterwoud)
Vocals track 2 - B (ex-Lugubrum)
Vocals track 4 - W (Urfaust, The Spirit Cabinet)
Vocals track 6 - V (Vaal, Ravenzang

Crash summer sale
€ 20,00


recensione di (clicca qui per visitare il sito)

Il formato EP deve essere molto gradito ai francesi Moonreich dal momento che, all'interno della loro decennale carriera, questo "Wormgod" è già il terzo e segue, ad un solo anno di distanza, il precedente "Fugue", entrambi rilasciati dalla sempre valida ed attenta Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, etichetta che alla quantità preferisce la qualità.
Come di consueto in casa Moonreich, per lo meno con le ultime uscite, si fa fatica a parlare "solo" di Black Metal analizzando la loro proposta vista la molteplicità delle influenze e, soprattutto, la complessità di una musica finemente arrangiata, variegata nel suo incedere e, cosa non sempre scontata nel genere, suonata e prodotta in maniera perfetta.
"Wormgod" è un album, dunque, molto ricco: i francesi riescono ad unire efficacemente death, black, atmosfere ortodosse, concessioni alla melodia, magistrale brutalità (ascoltate con attenzione la spettacolare "To Crawl this World") ed a risultare convincenti anche quando si cimentano nella cover in chiave estrema di "Broken" dei Depeche Mode.
Appare chiaro che i Moonreich siano un gruppo di spessore e che la loro musica debba essere ascoltata con attenzione per coglierne ogni sfumatura ed ogni variazione poiché, anche all'interno dello stesso brano, diversi sono i cambi di registro, molteplici i saliscendi ritmici e imprevedibili gli sviluppi pur se, occorre sottolinearlo, l'ambito di azione del gruppo resta sempre fortemente estremo e devastante.
Tra dissonanze urticanti, ottimi assolo di chitarra, velocità assassine e brutalità debordante, "Wormgod" è un album che va gustato tutto di un fiato più e più volte, ogni volta alla ricerca del particolare sfuggito nell'ascolto precedente.
Come al solito, bravi davvero!

Les acteurs de l'ombre
€ 14,00

Into The Void

Amor fati
€ 11,00

Mosaic II: La Déteste Et La Détresse

Canada's Unreqvited has been a musical proving ground that defied categorization right away, thus being a perfect addition to our roster. With a highly acclaimed back catalog that was assembled only within the last few years, it is easy to imagine that this prodigious artist will get very far in the future. Two years after his 2016 debut "Disquiet", which had married black melancholy with electronic opulence, both "Stars Wept To The Sea" and "Mosaic I" showed different tacks, delving into the cosmos and orchestra pit respectively.

€ 13,00
684 prodotti, pagina 44 di 57