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This 2nd release and first full length long player from ABSTRACT THE LIGHT, sees a continuation and further development of the sounds and feelings touched on on the debut release “From Out Of The Void” yet steps further into the dark and mystical folk sounds and bleak and emotive black metal touched on in passages previously...
Further drawing influence from a life of experience, trials and tribulations, loss and sadness this album delves further into the psyche of man.
“MAGNA SAPIENTIA QUAERERE : to the depths of thy soul...” was again recorded, mixed and mastered by Jarred Nettle at the House Of SAP, and this time features some excellent vocal contributions from our friends Rowan London (Virgin Black), Gregor Pikl, Sandra Mortis, as well as guest lead guitar performance by Jason Van Den Driesen, and Cello played by Hannah Yates.
Sixth studio album from Malta's death metal outfit & biggest metal export, Beheaded.
Forged from the darkest depths, "Only Death Can Save You" breathes violence and marches fearlessly down its death metal path. Summoning the visceral classic and the caustic edge of later death metal, the new punishing album spreads its aural horror with razor sharp precision.
Dormant for over a decade, Beyond Man has been awakened like an ancient curse from an old and sandy burial ground. In an epoch of records in which resounds the dull embellished atmosphere of a cozy bedroom, Beyond Man‘s self-titled album smells of old amplifiers drenched in rotten blood, ash and whisky, the reek of a cave I dare you to enter, where the frustrations of a group of Satanic cowboys take sonic form together with their zealot visions and nightmares, veiled by a truly ferocious and sinister aura.
Call it black metal if you wish, or envision Morbid Angel sitting down with Black Sabbath and listening to Norwegian black metal while sharing a bottle of red wine followed by straight shots of heavy smoked whisky.
Nidrosian Black Metal at its very finest, straight from the source with MARE, ONE TAIL ONE HEAD etc. members
2024 repress in crystal clear vinyl
Three years after their fascinating debut, Suicide Forest is back with Reluctantly, a sophomore album which further develops their art. Taking their name from the Japanese Aokigahara forest, where many troubled
people travel to end their life, the one-man band from Tucson, Az., moves from classic depressive black metal coordinates and expands their sound palette. As a result, Reluctantly settles somewhere in between DSBM, atmospheric black metal and post-black/blackgaze.
The perfect company for restless souls, Reluctantly reminds of the eerie keyboard patterns of Burzum and the dilated atmospheres of contemporary US black metal pillars like Ash Borer, mixed with some unpredictable twists such as dissonant riffs and solos. Suicide Forest will please both those looking for furious up-tempos and the more introvert blacksters, looking for a sanctuary from the outside world.
Multi-instrumentalist and mastermind A.Kruger wrote Reluctantly in the second half of 2019, before the pandemic struck us all, but began tracking the album at his home studio in early 2020. About the lyrics, when asked what themes inform his work, he plainly replied: The whole album focuses
on the themes of resent and isolation, feelings that were only compounded considering the entirety of Reluctanlty was recorded during the covid-19 lockdown”.
many sellers would rate this as a NM--- there's moderate physiological signs of use and storage, but all in all great shape
Click here for release version details
very good conditions overall, sleeve presents a small hole on the top left corner, they used to drill them like this with nice-price or promo copies back then
Carrying the banner of RAW 80s' thrash high and proud, Spain's undisputed rulers of axe thrash metal return with their third strike. Leaving no neck unharmed in its wake, Metal Fist Destroyer is as subtle as a bazooka up your ass. If you worship at the altar of Blood Fire Death, Obsessed By Cruelty, War And Pain, Seven Churches and the likes you don't want to miss this filthy beast.
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Cosmic Autumn is a one-man project from Germany, founded in 2017.
Based on traditional and atmospheric Black Metal, the music also features elements of Progressive Metal and Epic Doom Metal.
Inspired by long walks through the forest at night, lyric themes are the transcendence of the human psyche, loneliness, self-reflection and the nihilistic nature of reality.
The CD is released as part of the Northern Silence Underground Series and comes in jewel case, limited to 500 copies.
Il panorama metal Russo, è sempre più ampio e vario, non esiste genere che questa terra non abbia fatto propria con più che degni risultati, lo stoner/doom era forse quello che sinora mi aveva meno impressionato rispetto agli altri aspetti dello stile, si conosce infatti la validità assoluta delle proposte legate alle influenze death, funeral e gothic ma in ambito classico qualcosa ancora mancava.
Neanche il tempo di pensarlo che ecco i Lord Of Doubts arrivano al mio orecchio smentendo e dando riprova di qualità e passione per la suddetta corrente.
Figli illegittimi degli Electric Wizard, il trio moscovita debutta con l'omonimo album composto da sei tracce per cinquanta minuti di musica che fanno il proprio fottuto dovere in maniera eccelsa.
Musica già sentita, mettiamolo in chiaro sin da subito ma la dose di psichedelia e l'affondare in terreni oscuri e magicamente intrisi da quella vena esoterica di cui Jus Oborn e compagni sono portatori sani, unici nel loro stile, non è neanche così facile da riprodurre infondendo alle tracce il loro status emotivo anche se si parlasse di semplice tributo.
Riffing seventies appesantito da tonalità grevi, voce dedita al fattore evocazione costante, un drumming ben inquadrato con pattern solidi e monolitici, è realmente difficile per un appassionato di queste sonorità non godere spiattellando on air pezzi come "Temple Of The Riff", "Satan's Magick Smoke" o "Endless Slumber".
Corretto al nero seppia fino all'osso, "Lord Of Doubts" si candida a disco da trip multisessione, atmosfere, immaginario e note si fondono per dar vita a una creazione artificiale dove la vostra mente possa spaziare fra i fumi di una droga denominata "Musica".
Mostrano d'avere carattere, ispirazione e un'ottima prospettiva di miglioramento i Lord Of Doubts, certo l'originalità non è ancora presente ma la base per intraprendere un percorso che li porti alla formazione di una personalità propria riconoscibile c'è, non resta quindi che supportare una simile fonte da cui ci s'attende ancor più in futuro, il merito va condiviso con una label underground, la Sekt Ov Gnozis, che ha dato loro la possibilità di uscire allo scoperto.
Amate gli Electric Wizard? Vi piace lo stoner doom? Se a entrambe le domande la risposta è un sì, farsi mancare questo disco in collezione è davvero un peccato.