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Offers: CD, Vinyl, DVD, Merchandise and Second hand - Extreme Metal and Dark music
Ruvidi ma in pieno controllo dei loro strumenti, i francesi Sordide inizialmente vi ricorderanno l'arroganza attitudinale quasi "punk" dei loro ben noti connazionali Peste Noir, ma in realtà sotto questo esordio, "La France a peur", si cela molto di più.
Le parti di chitarra sono semplicemente sensazionali e conferiscono alla band di fatto un sound assolutamente personale ed innovativo per quanto semplicemente catalogabile come 'black metal', a dimostrazione che l'avanguardia in musica sta più nell'idea e nella visione che non nelle realizzazioni
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New album for this Russian one man band!
Astonishing mass anticipation created by a few reviews on the web and already stated as one of 2014’s album of the year by influential websites like invisibleoranges and stereogum.
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Old unreleased demo now finally out onCD. Melancholic and depressive soundscapes.
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Secondo album per gli svedesi Flagellant, autori di un esaltante debut con "Monuments" due anni fà
Flagellant's second full length album "Maledictum".
Musically "Maledictum" is easily following up where the Bands well received debut album
"Monuments" stopped, delivering sinister Swedish Black Metal.Check out the sample of the albums first track "From The Abyss They Shine" further down to get an impression.
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With their second album, Peccata Mortalia, ENTARTUNG exhale a crypt-stench stronger than death. Indeed, Peccata Mortalia displays the duo in an even stronger (black)light, the songwriting both more assured and distinctive and the execution more vile and grim. Shadow-draped yet melodic, despite the band's Teutonic origins, ENTARTUNG forego the mystical/medieval vibe of their country's usual black metal style and, in fact, slot well alongside Finland's filthy and emotive idiom of the past decade.
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VII Sombre Anthems dedicated to Magic ov Chaos. Destructive Dark Metal. The band made up of former members of Taran, In the Depth of Night, Supreme Lord.
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Secondo album per questa cold- black metal band spagnola dopo l'esordio di vari anni fa su Total Holocaust Records
caratterizzato da un originalissimo lavoro di chitarra, "Abdication..." diventerà in breve un must per tutti gli amanti del black metal più disperato e malinconico
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Compilation album with tracks from various Eps for this good band
from Serbia.
Raw black metal
Disponibile dal 12 maggio edizione digipack
recensione tratta da : lachrymachristizine
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